Chief Operating Officers Committee communique: 4 September 2023

The COO Committee (the Committee) met today at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to discuss the following matters:

COO Committee Priorities

The Committee reviewed the scope of the work undertaken since February 2023 and reaffirmed the strategic priorities and key deliverables the Committee will focus on:

  • Supporting implementation of the APS reform agenda;
  • Implementing the 2023 APS Workplace Relations (Bargaining Policy); and
  • Driving diversity across the APS.

Commonwealth Risk Committee

The Committee received an update on the priorities of the Commonwealth Risk Committee (CRC), a sub-committee of the COO Committee responsible for providing advice on significant shared, common, and emerging risks in the Commonwealth public sector. The CRC has met three times since January 2023 holding meetings on 30 March, 2 May (extraordinary meeting) and 21 July.

APS Integrity Good Practice

The Committee considered how existing integrity best practice can be replicated across the APS. 

APS Reform

The Committee discussed the progress to date of APS Reform, and appropriate initiatives to be considered in the second phase reform that would build on the foundations of the first phase, and further embed APS reform through a targeted and sustainable approach.

The Committee discussed ‘Stewardship’ as a new APS Value in the Public Service Act 1999, subject to the passage of the Public Service Amendment Bill 2023. Pending the decision of Parliament, a communications program will be developed to support employees, agencies and agency heads to implement the new APS Value.

Long Term Insights Briefing

The Committee discussed the draft Long Term Insights Briefing pilot. 

Capability Review Program

The COO Committee noted the update on the Capability Review Program.

APS Bargaining Update

The Committee noted the update from the Australian Public Service Commission.

Next Meetings

The next COO Committee meeting is scheduled for 25 October 2023.