Regional Development, Communications
and the Arts, Integrity Screen Card
Integrity - Everybody at every level
Be honest and transparent
- Communicate openly and honestly
- Lead by example
- Value the contributions of others
- Store all records in Records Workspace
- Complete mandatory integrity training
Do the right thing at the right time
- Make decisions that are apolitical, based on evidence and are accountable
- Consider implications and engage with risk
- Use the Integrity Framework
- Always report concerns
Have a values-driven mindset
- Follow the APS Values and Code of Conduct
- Live the department’s Values and Secretaries’ Charter of Leadership
- Behaviours (DRIVE)
- Harness a pro-integrity culture
Search ‘Integrity Strategy’ on CONNECT for more info
Clear, consistent and regular communication is fundamental to embedding culture in an organisation. It is important that there is broader engagement across the agency in ongoing integrity conversations.
- The Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority (IPEA) engages its staff in regular ‘Curious Conversations’ about ethical scenarios and questions.
- DITRDCA encourages staff to notice ‘the uncomfortable feeling in the stomach’, take a moment to pause, reflect and discuss with an appropriate person if needed. An integrity panel discussion was held as part of a broader range of integrity-themed engagement activities during its 2023 integrity week to encourage conversations around integrity.
- The Australian Federal Police (AFP) uses a range of tools to shape integrity culture, including an Integrity Matters Newsletter, case study briefings, podcasts, videos, posters, a continuous learning package (Recruit-to-Retirement), lock screen messages and all-staff emails.
- DITRDCA, the Department of Home Affairs and the ATO hold an annual ‘Integrity Week’ accompanied by a communications strategy to raise awareness among staff of integrity standards and expectations.
- DITRDCA has launched a centralised intranet integrity portal with resources and contact information for staff.
ATO One Habit at a Time program
The ‘One Habit at a Time’ program is an interactive program designed to help embed habits into everyday work. There is a six week ‘sprint’ where learning and development and communications activities across the agency focus
on one habit to introduce and develop for all staff. The first campaign theme was ‘Constructively Challenge’.
The One Habit at a Time program is the signature initiative of the refreshed ATO Culture strategy and is an interactive program designed to help us make positive changes to the way we work together. Together, we will focus on changing everyday habits, one at a time, giving us an opportunity to practice new ways of thinking and working together until it becomes part of our routine, and our culture.
The three behaviours of Constructively Challenge:
- Constructively challenging others - I step up and constructively challenge others
- Responding to constructive challenges - I keep an open mind to curiously explore the suggestions from others
- Creating opportunities to challenge - I create an environment where my colleagues and team feel safe to challenge me
‘Own It’ is about:
- Owning all aspects of your work, relationships and wellbeing
- Being accountable and taking ownership of outcomes - whether they are successes or learning opportunities
- Proactively investing in your own development by taking charge of your career, being actively involved and being open to feedback
- looking after your wellbeing by making it a daily priority