PM&C Performance Model

The PM&C Performance Model sets out the behaviours and characteristics required at each classification level at PM&C under four qualities: Problem solving, Achieving, Collaborating and Leading.

APS 3: PM&C performance model

Qualities Behaviours Characteristics
Problem-solving Applies rich and credible policy, delivery or functional expertise and knowledge of government in all contexts
  • Building understanding how government works – in particular the Cabinet process, the Budget cycle, the legislative process, the major structures of intergovernmental relations domestically and internationally, and public administration and capability
  • Demonstrates curiosity about relevant policy, delivery or functional area
Solves problems with intellectual rigour, efficacy and pragmatism
  • Bright and enthusiastic, with an inquisitive mindset
  • Learning to solve problems through different techniques
Acts with integrity and honesty in all situations
  • Adheres to the APS Values and Code of Conduct
  • Tells the truth
  • Admits mistakes and learns from them
  • Acts professionally in all situations
Adopts a determined and resilient mindset when faced with difficult circumstances
  • Remains positive and responds to pressure in a calm manner
  • Knows when and who to ask for help
  • Understands own limitations and stress triggers
  • Plans ahead wherever possible and does not mistake tight deadlines for crisis
Achieving Aims to bring closure in finalising policy to deliver outcomes
  • Gathers and prepares information for contribution to drafting process
  • Maintains high standards of accuracy when preparing information and materials
  • Is responsive to changes in requirements
Brings a distinct perspective to all interactions
  • Has a perspective and is willing to share it
  • Challenges assumptions to improve quality of advice
Builds trust-based relationships across the APS to deliver whole of government outcomes
  • Builds and sustains positive relationships with team members and clients
  • Proactively seeks to understand relationship dynamics with external stakeholders
Employs astute judgment to deliver impact on the most important issues
  • Identifies issues that may impact on achieving objectives
  • Seeks to understand the issues facing the Prime Minister
Communicates effectively and convincingly to influence stakeholders
  • Confidently presents messages in a clear, concise manner
  • Adapts communication style and approach to ensure they address the needs of different people or audiences
  • Structures written and oral communication to ensure clarity
Collaborating Shares talent, resources and experience across PM&C and the APS
  • Shares information with others
  • Maintains low self-orientation
Fosters a flexible and agile working environment
  • Responds in a positive and flexible manner to change
  • Is responsive to changes in client needs and expectations
Embraces diversity of views and acts inclusively to improve advice and solutions
  • Understands, values and responds to different personal styles
  • Recognises different perspectives
  • Treats people with respect and courtesy
Takes full advantage of innovative technologies and workspaces
  • Recognises the value of technology in improving collaboration and co-design
  • Uses innovative technologies and workspaces, where possible
Leading Supports and mentors others through a strengths-based approach
  • Seeks feedback on performance from others to improve
  • Understands and acts on feedback

Empowers others to deliver and challenges them to reach their highest potential

  • Identifies learning opportunities
  • Supports others contributions and efforts

Embraces and role models courageous conversations in a respectful manner

  • Provides upwards feedback upon request

Celebrates success and maintains morale to nurture positive team dynamics

  • Raises any issues about team morale
  • Builds and sustains good working relationships with clients and team members