PM&C Performance Model

The PM&C Performance Model sets out the behaviours and characteristics required at each classification level at PM&C under four qualities: Problem solving, Achieving, Collaborating and Leading.

SES Band 3: PM&C performance model

Qualities Behaviours Characteristics
Leading Supports and mentors others through a strengths-based approach
  • Champions a strengths-based approach to shape a high performance culture, develop talent and leverage strengths across PM&C and the broader APS
  • Invests in the professional development of talent across the Department and APS through targeted mentoring and coaching in order to build subject matter expertise and leadership capability
  • Catalyses strategic leadership, planning and awareness of PM&C and the APS capability priorities, by creating opportunities to drive excellence and maximise potential across the whole of government

Empowers others to deliver and challenges them to reach their highest potential

  • Inspires all staff to reach their highest potential through sharing change stories, connecting PM&C’s vision and mission to its outcomes and empowering staff to take appropriate risks
  • Actively promotes the value of high quality frequent performance conversations by providing constructive feedback to direct reports and others
  • Creates opportunities for PM&C and APS leaders to undertake ‘stretch’ opportunities to optimise performance across the APS
  • Role models and creates opportunities for contestability across PM&C and the APS to challenge the scope of work for a better outcome

Embraces and role models courageous conversations in a respectful manner

  • Actively questions, challenges and drives improvement of PM&C and wider APS outcomes
  • Leads a workplace and APS culture that is psychologically safe, and focussed on addressing difficult issues promptly and respectfully in order to strive for optimal performance
  • Role models effective performance management, provides authority for leaders to address underperformance, and enables fair and equitable processes to be carried out
  • Shapes a high-performance yet supportive environment, where staff feel confident to provide upwards feedback

Celebrates success and maintains morale to nurture positive team dynamics

  • Shapes a workplace and APS culture where people get the work done while having fun by celebrating successes, recognising hard work and role modelling inclusive practices
  • Champions positive changes to drive a high performance workplace and APS culture
  • Champions the outcomes and success of the Department
  • Monitors risks to organisational health, including morale, wellbeing and focus, and ensures appropriate interventions
Collaborating Shares talent, resources and experience across PM&C and the APS
  • Seeks out talent and resources from across the APS and beyond and sets capability priorities to strengthen capability, mobility and collaboration across the APS
  • Champions cross-agency coordination, collaboration and contestability
  • Represents PM&C as a steward of the APS and advocates for the departmental and whole of government agenda
Fosters a flexible, agile and collaborative working environment
  • Role models and values flexibility to create a supportive environment that enables PM&C and the APS to meet changing demands
  • Drives the change agenda and inspires continuous improvement activities for PM&C and the APS
Embraces diversity of views and acts inclusively to improve advice and solutions
  • Capitalises on and values the robustness that can be gained from diversity, and champions the exploration of diverse views for better outcomes
  • Drives opportunities to leverage external experience and differences from PM&C and beyond to anticipate reactions, enhance interactions and improve outcomes
  • Champions diversity initiatives and employee networks to create inclusive work places across the APS
Takes full advantage of innovative technologies
  • Champions the use of available tools, technology and data to support PM&C in driving innovation, improving collaboration, efficiencies and drawing on broader information
  • Inspires innovation through the use of technologies
Achieving Build trust-based relationships across the APS to deliver whole of government outcomes
  • Brings senior stakeholders together as collective stewards in a positive and constructive way – looking out for the interests of the stakeholders we serve and the stakeholders we work with
  • Champions and unifies PM&C’s vision and direction within government and society, including the whole of government agenda
  • Leads through strategic relationships as stewards of the APS, built from trust and mutual respect to endure sensitive and complex situations to achieve whole of government outcomes
  • Ensures that the sustainment of policy and business outcomes are embedded across PM&C and the APS
Brings closure in finalising policy and business outcomes
  • Champions the departmental and APS vision and goals and provides strategic direction for delivery
  • Ensures progress of the delivery of policy and business outcomes and government priorities
  • Seeks out and shares intellect and expertise across the APS and beyond to contribute to and address complex issues
  • Asks questions, tests boundaries to make us think
Brings a distinct perspective to all interactions
  • Poses questions and elevates issues to challenge distinct perspectives
  • Challenges assumptions, applies high level and judicious judgement and encourages others to contribute innovative solutions to improve the quality of advice
  • Instigates trends, identifies long term opportunities and balances organisational requirements with that of the whole of government and senior stakeholders needs
Employs astute judgment to deliver impact on the most important issues
  • Strengthens the cultural, social and political perspectives of PM&C and the APS, and anticipates risks
  • Focuses on senior stakeholders, listens, knows what is important and anticipates what will become important
  • Negotiates with influence, persuasion and a strong grasp of the key issues, anticipating the position of the other party and being aware of the extent of potential for compromise, presenting a convincing and balanced rationale
Communicates effectively and convincingly to influence stakeholders
  • Presents what senior stakeholders need to know at the time, with clarity and brevity
  • Presents insightful, tactical and strategic advice when engaging with government, media, industry bodies and senior private sector representatives
  • Harnesses communications experience to be adept at engaging with various stakeholders and building enduring relationships in sensitive and complex situations.
Problem-solving Applies rich and credible policy, delivery or expertise and knowledge of government in all contexts
  • Marshalls knowledge and seeks to maximise opportunities to shape PM&C and the APS as a contemporary, responsive and fit-for-purpose workforce that provides outstanding service to government
  • Oversees the delivery of strategic advice that is integrated with government priorities
  • Invests in and commits to developing the expertise of staff within PM&C and the broader APS to build ongoing capability
Solves problems with intellectual rigour, efficacy and pragmatism
  • Leverages PM&C’s convening power and instigates innovative alternatives to resolve complex problems, while setting expectations for risk tolerance
  • Brings contestability and curiosity to seek considered and sensible solutions for complex problems, while maintaining focus on the desired objectives
  • Marshalls judgement, capability and expertise from across the APS and acts decisively to initiate action and overcome difficult problems
Acts with integrity and honesty in all situations
  • Role models the APS Values and Code of Conduct, and sets the expectations for all staff to foster transparency, sound judgement and integrity
  • Allows people to take risks, takes responsibility for mistakes, backs staff, and learns from the experience
  • Role models and encourages others to deliver robust and forthright advice
Adopts a determined and resilient mindset when faced with difficult circumstances
  • Empowers all staff to strive to effectively balance work and personal needs, by understanding limitations and realistic pressures of the operating environment and supporting staff to make use of PM&C’s policies and resources
  • Role models courage and resilience to maintain momentum while driving departmental and whole of government outcomes, despite difficult circumstances
  • Remains positive, offers support and responds to pressure in a calm manner