PM&C’s reconciliation journey has been one of growth and learning. ‘Nothing about us without us’ is a critical concept for working with or representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, staff and communities.
Our reconciliation journey has taught us that in practice this means:
- meaningful and regular engagement
- broad consultation, fostering connections and partnerships
- allowing space for reflection and thoughtful decision making before action
- balancing cultural load with appropriate consultation and engagement
- cultivating respectful relationships
- creating culturally safe spaces for respectful discussion and story-telling
- promoting strong role models
- ensuring transparency at all stages.
The new Innovate RAP was developed with this critical concept at the forefront, building on past achievements and further supporting:
- an inclusive workplace built on mutual respect
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity to be recognised, valued and celebrated
- acknowledgment and respect of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ spiritual, social, cultural and economic relationship with their traditional lands and waters and their ongoing contributions as Custodians of our Country
- celebration of the histories, cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- understanding the importance of our shared history, its impact on Aboriginal and Torres Islander peoples and the necessity of truth-telling to unify and reconcile
- emphasis of the importance of self-determination, collaboration and partnership.