Australian Government response to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee report: Inquiry into Australian support for Ukraine

Recommendation 12

The committee recommends that the Australian Government expediently responds to requests from the Ukrainian Government for specific military and defence equipment and materiel, acknowledging that the Ukrainian authorities with direct knowledge of the battlefield situation are best placed to decide whether the equipment sought from Australia can be used effectively in the defence of Ukraine.

Government Response to Recommendation 12

The Government agrees to this recommendation.

The Government remains committed to supporting Ukraine’s self-defence and providing military assistance to Ukraine that is relevant, practical, aligned with Ukraine’s needs, consistent with international law, and with no adverse impact on ADF preparedness. The Government, through Defence, will continue to engage closely with Ukraine, particularly its Ministry of Defence and the AFU, to inform options for further military assistance. Defence has refined its decision-making processes to enable a more proactive approach to identifying options to support Ukraine.

The Government is prioritising Ukraine as a potential recipient of surplus and disposal items and has refreshed formal guidance in Defence confirming this approach. Building on opportunities identified by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) independent performance audit Australia’s Provision of Military Assistance to Ukraine, presented to Parliament on 29 June 2023, Defence has: established an internal consultation process, chaired at the senior executive level, to coordinate current and future Defence support for Ukraine; and, a dedicated coordination unit to provide a focal point for Defence on Ukraine and to work with stakeholders on supporting the provision of credible and practical military assistance.