Australian Government response to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee report: Inquiry into Australian support for Ukraine

Recommendation 2

The committee recommends the Australian Government appoint a Coordinator‐General to lead coordination of Australia’s assistance and support to Ukraine across all agencies. The person tasked with this lead coordination role should report directly to the National Security Committee of Cabinet, and should be provided with adequate resources and staff to ensure they can act as the central coordination point for government and other stakeholders in relation to Australia’s support for Ukraine.

Government Response to Recommendation 2

The Government notes this recommendation.

PM&C serves the Prime Minister and Cabinet as the focal point of Government decision-making. It convenes and provides guidance to policy agencies.

PM&C’s role is to ensure all parts of the Australian Government are working toward the same international objectives, including on support for Ukraine.

Officials within Global Interests Branch — reporting to Senior Executive Service (SES) officers at PM&C — are responsible for ensuring whole-of-government support for Ukraine is coordinated and effective. This team provides advice to the National Security Committee of Cabinet and the Secretaries Committee on National Security (SCNS) as required.

It also ensures coordination and convenes regular meetings at all levels including Band 2 inter-departmental committee meetings (chaired by PM&C); and regular coordination meetings at Director level and below.

In providing advice to the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Global Interests Branch ensures Australia’s whole of government support to Ukraine reflects Australia’s capacity and comparative strengths, and aligns with Ukraine’s priority needs.