The committee recommends that the Australian Government become a Participant or Associate Member of the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine (Register of Damage for Ukraine) as a matter of priority.
Government Response to Recommendation 6
The Government agrees to this recommendation.
Australia strongly supports accountability for Russia’s illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine. The losses and damage suffered by Ukraine as a result of Russia's violations of international law require full reparation by Russia, in accordance with the international law of State responsibility.
Australia co-sponsored and voted for the UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/ES-11/5 on 14 November 2022, which recognises the need to establish an international mechanism for reparation for damage, loss or injury, and recommended the creation of an international register of damage arising from Russia’s invasion.
Separately, Australia has worked with like-mindeds and partners in international institutions to ensure accountability for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. For example:
- Australia joined 42 international partners to refer the Situation in Ukraine to the International Criminal Court for investigation (2 March 2022);
- Australia co-sponsored the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) resolution to establish an independent Commission of Inquiry (COI) into violations and abuses of human rights, and violations of international humanitarian law (4 March 2022);
- Australia has joined the 49-member Group of Friends of Accountability (launched on 25 March 2022), which aims to promote and coordinate accountability measures on the most serious crimes under international law committed in Ukraine and facilitate information sharing;
- Australia has filed an intervention in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) case brought by Ukraine against Russia (30 September 2022);
- Australia has joined a Core Group of Ukraine and like-mindeds to explore options to hold Russia’s leadership accountable for the illegal, immoral invasion of Ukraine (25 January 2023).