The committee recommends that the Australian Government, in line with recommendation 1, urgently develop a central point of contact for Australian aid and medical organisations seeking to provide assistance and aid to Ukraine.
Government Response to Recommendation 19
The Government notes this recommendation.
Assistance to Ukraine provided by the Australian Government is coordinated by PM&C.
Responsibility for coordination of assistance not instigated by the Australian Government to countries, including Ukraine, does not rest with the Australian Government. The Government works closely with the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), the peak organisation for Australian non-governmental organisations (NGOs) involved in international development and humanitarian action. In some cases the Australian Government partners with Australian NGOs as part of the government’s humanitarian response.
Humanitarian activities in, and assistance to, Ukraine are coordinated by the Government of Ukraine and the United Nations under the Humanitarian Response Plan. This ensures humanitarian support is delivered to those most in need in accordance with humanitarian principles. The operating context in Ukraine is complex and high risk, and Australian organisations should consider DFAT’s travel advice.