Chief Operating Officers Committee communique: 26 April 2023

APS Integrity Taskforce

Head of the APS Integrity Taskforce in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet provided an overview of the Taskforce’s strategic direction. Committee members shared views on possible areas for further work and collaboration. 

APS-wide Location Strategy and Action Plan 

The Committee considered the draft APS Location Strategy and Action Plan being developed by the Secretaries Future of Work Sub-committee. The Strategy will support agencies to make decisions about the geographic location of their workforce to access diverse and skilled workers in the national labour market. The Action Plan sets out practical steps that agencies can take to implement the Strategy. The Committee will provide advice to the Australian Public Service Commission about operational risks and opportunities to implement the Strategy and develop the Action Plan.

Deputy Secretaries Talent Council 

The Chair and Deputy Chair of the Deputy Secretaries Talent Council provided an update on the Council’s work to support the development of a strong and diverse leadership pipeline, including the themes emerging from previous assessment rounds. The Chair and Deputy Chair will share specific themes and recommended development pathways for participants with each nominating Secretary/Agency Head and their Chief Operating Officer in April.

APS Bargaining

The Committee noted the update from the Australian Public Service Commission, including that the Public Sector Workplace Relations Policy 2023 was released on 28 March 2023. The first APS Bargaining meeting was held on 30 March 2023; and subsequent meetings have occurred on 4, 6, 13, 18 and 20 April 2023. 

Whole of Australian Government (WoAG) Travel arrangements 

The Committee noted an update on service improvements to the WoAG Travel Management Services Arrangement.

APS Reform

The COO Committee discussed proposed uses of the intelligence gathered from the COO Intelligence Gathering Exercise responses, including:

  • Synthesising and sharing best practice examples that address common themes and challenges through the APS Reform Office conducting workshops with relevant activity leads.
  • Sharing a directory of agency reforms to support inter-agency collaboration.

Next Meetings

The next COO Committee meeting is scheduled for 28 June 2023.