Secretaries' performance and remuneration

Performance reviews for Departmental Secretaries aim to strengthen the leadership capability and support for the most senior APS leaders. The results also help to set a clear direction, across Government, for Departmental priorities.

Secretaries' performance

In accordance with section 61A of the Public Service Act 1999, the Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Australian Public Service Commissioner have established a framework for annual review of the performance of each Secretary.

Performance reviews for Departmental Secretaries aim to strengthen the leadership capability and support for the most senior APS leaders. The results also help to set a clear direction, across Government, for Departmental priorities.

Each Secretary meets with the PM&C Secretary and the APS Commissioner, annually, to discuss their achievements and forward objectives against three key functions:

  1. As chief adviser to their Minister,
  2. As a leader of their Department; and
  3. As a steward of the APS.

Stakeholder and peer input, feedback from Ministers and APS Census results support the performance discussions with Secretaries and the finalisation of individual performance agreements for each Secretary.

The performance review cycle is conducted typically in the first quarter of each financial year.

Secretaries' remuneration

Under section 13 of the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973 (the Act), the Remuneration Tribunal must determine a classification structure for Departmental Secretaries and the classification to which each office of Departmental Secretary is assigned. Under section 14 of the Act, the Tribunal must determine the amount of remuneration that is to be paid to:

  • the Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
  • the Secretary of the Department of the Treasury.

The Tribunal’s determination in relation to these matters can be found at the Remuneration Tribunal website.

Under section 14 of the Act, the Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, in consultation with the President of the Remuneration Tribunal and the Australian Public Service Commissioner, must from time to time, assign each Departmental Secretary (other than the two Secretaries mentioned above) to an amount of remuneration.