PM&C Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2023-26

This Strategy outlines the Department’s vision for enhancing the diversity of our workforce whilst embedding a culture of inclusion – a goal that is central to living our organisational values.

APS employment targets

PM&C is committed to assisting the APS to achieve employment targets set out in the Commonwealth Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Strategy 2020-2024 and APS Disability Employment Strategy 2020-2025:

  • Five percent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation at the APS 4 to EL 2 classification levels by 2024.
  • Three percent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation at the Senior Executive Service (SES) levels by 2024.
  • Seven percent representation of employees with disability by 2025.

PM&C has established an internal CALD target to increase CALD representation at senior levels.

  • Twenty percent PM&C CALD Target

CALD representation at the Executive Level 2 and Senior Executive Service (SES) levels by 2029. As at 31 December 2022, CALD representation was calculated at 7.7% SES, 12.5% EL2.

Note: Self-reported and Census data unavailable for comparison.

In PM&C (as at 31 December 2021), representation was self-reported in our HR reporting system at:

  • 1.9 percent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation at the APS 4 to EL 2 classification levels.
  • 1.4 percent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation at the SES levels.
  • 4.1 percent representation of staff with disability.

The 2022 APS Employee Census results indicate higher levels of representation in PM&C, with three percent overall Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation and eight percent representation of staff with disability.

For more information about current employment participation rates, see the PM&C Annual Report or the State of the Service Report.