PM&C Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2023-26

This Strategy outlines the Department’s vision for enhancing the diversity of our workforce whilst embedding a culture of inclusion – a goal that is central to living our organisational values.

Our ongoing foundations

This Strategy seeks to build on PM&C’s already strong ongoing initiatives, frameworks and systems to strengthen our commitment to workplace inclusion and diversity now and into the future.

In 2022, 84% of PM&C APS Employee Census respondents said that PM&C supports and actively promotes an inclusive workplace culture.

PM&C reconciliation design element

Inclusion and diversity in continued action at PM&C looks like:

  • Progress against our Reconciliation Action Plan and dedicated Indigenous Liaison Officer.
  • Participation in whole of government entry-level programs and career pathways programs.
  • Participation in Jawun secondment program and Pat Turner Scholarship.
  • Annual Diversity calendar to recognise and celebrate dates of national significance, including NAIDOC week and National Reconciliation Week.
  • Use of Affirmative measures recruitment and the RecruitAbility scheme.
  • Reasonable adjustments and Reasonable Adjustment Contact Officer.
  • Range of training options such as Inclusive leadership, First Nations Cultural Awareness, Disability Awareness and Mental Health First Aid.
  • Dedicated Management and Leadership program and access to professional coaching services.
  • Generous study assistance, including additional provisions for First Nations staff.
  • Range of inclusive and contemporary employment entitlements such flexible work, cultural and ceremonial leave, parental leave, maximum support for employee’s affected by domestic and family violence, support for breastfeeding in the workplace, support for gender affirmation and transitioning employees.
  • Employee Networks are consulted on relevant policy development and diverse representation sought on PM&C’s Consultative Committee.
  • Carers/reflection rooms and adaptable ‘work your way’ office spaces.
  • A performance framework that promotes, measures and rewards inclusive behaviours.
  • A range of wellbeing supports and safe avenues to raise complaints including Workplace Respect Officers and Employee Assistance Program, providing free counselling and support to employees and their families.
  • Access to workforce demographic and diversity data for all leaders through online dashboards.