PM&C Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2023-26

This Strategy outlines the Department’s vision for enhancing the diversity of our workforce whilst embedding a culture of inclusion – a goal that is central to living our organisational values.

Secretary’s Message

Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - Professor Glyn Davis AC

I am proud to present the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2023-2026. This Strategy outlines the Department’s vision for enhancing the diversity of our workforce whilst embedding a culture of inclusion – a goal that is central to living our organisational values.

PM&C has a responsibility within the Australian Public Service to improve the lives of all Australians by providing the highest quality policy advice and support to Government. Reflecting all Australians through the diversity of our people enhances this opportunity. When we have the ability to understand the multilayered and nuanced needs of community, and when we design policy in partnership, we build relationships with others based on empathy and respect. A diverse workforce makes us stronger, and it is therefore my aim to continue to grow the diversity of our workforce across all levels and business areas.

To leverage the voices, skills and experience of our people, we must foster a workplace that is supportive, respectful, safe and inclusive – giving everyone permission to perform at their best. We have long seen the benefits of driving an inclusive workforce, which is a contributing factor in PM&C’s high rates of employee engagement. This Strategy will build off our many past successes to create a more inclusive workplace where people belong.

PM&C has made significant progress as an inclusive and diverse organisation over recent years by:

  • Maintaining strong female representation rates across the Department and within our senior leadership.
  • Being awarded Gold and Bronze level status in the Australian Workplace Equality Index.
  • Supporting particularly strong Employee Networks, maintaining those Networks in spite of the challenges of COVID.
  • Growing the remit of our Senior Inclusion and Diversity Champions and welcoming new Champions of Wellbeing and Gender Equality.

“When we have the ability to understand the multilayered and nuanced needs of community, and when we design policy in partnership, we build relationships with others based on empathy and respect.”

The Strategy introduces five pillars to ensure PM&C continues to make great strides as an inclusive and diverse organisation. These pillars recognise that while we currently have a number of well-developed initiatives for improving inclusion and diversity, we can and should stretch ourselves to make a greater difference.

We will work to an action plan to improve accountability, recognising that we all have a role to play in fostering an inclusive and diverse workforce and that our efforts must be coordinated and prioritised.

As a central agency and leader in the Australian Public Service, our responsibility to progress inclusion and diversity is clear. I am honoured to launch this Strategy and look forward to realising our goals over the years to come.

Professor Glyn Davis AC         
Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet