PM&C Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2023-26

This Strategy outlines the Department’s vision for enhancing the diversity of our workforce whilst embedding a culture of inclusion – a goal that is central to living our organisational values.

Measuring progress

Young person smiling to another person

The Inclusion and Diversity Committee will monitor progress against this Strategy and Action Plan. The Chief People Officer and Inclusion and Diversity Champions will provide formal twice-yearly updates to the Inclusion and Diversity Committee.

To measure our progress, information is gathered from the following evidence-driven insights:

  • employment representation data
  • training participation, affirmative measures recruitment and reasonable adjustments data
  • annual APS Employee Census results (with attention to employee sentiment on inclusion, wellbeing, flexibility, mobility and leadership)
  • annual Gender pay-gap analysis
  • progress against the Inclusion and Diversity Action Plan and Reconciliation Action Plan.

We will also seek to maintain and build on external benchmarking results such as:

  • Access and Inclusion Index (Australian Network on Disability)
  • Australian Workplace Equality Index (Pride in Diversity)
  • Workplace Gender Equality Agency Index (Workplace Gender Equality Agency).

Our external reporting activities: Annual Report, State of the Service Report, APS Employment Database, Reconciliation Australia.